Waste technology references

EU-wide public tenders for waste collection
Client : Waste Management Association
Period : 2013, 2017, 2021
Services : Technical supervision of the tenders
In 2013, for the first time, the Waste Management Association invited tenders for the transport of waste paper throughout Europe. The result of the tender led to a saving in transport costs of approx. 40%, whereby the previously commissioned company continued to operate.
Since 2013, numerous tenders for the collection of waste paper, biowaste, residual and bulky waste and problematic materials have been prepared together with a lawyer specialising in public procurement law and supervised by EnviCare® from a technical point of view.
Through a clear service description, based on the analysis of the association’s experience and data, and by means of a transparent, public Europe-wide tender, the economically optimal result can be achieved in the interest of the public waste management association and thus of the citizens.
Landfill supervision of a soil excavation landfill
Client : Styrian municipalities or the state of Styria, department 13
Period : Since 2020
Services : Landfill supervision according to Landfill Ordinance (DVO 2008), §42
The authority appointed EnviCare ® as a landfill supervisory body in accordance with AWG 2002 §63(3) for two soil excavation landfills in Styria. The tasks are defined in the DVO 2008 in §42. Regular visits, standard-compliant waste sampling and the preparation of a detailed annual report are associated with this. Particular value is placed on good cooperation with the municipalities and the authorities.
Landfill Supervision for a bulk waste, residual waste and construction waste landfill with an asbestos compartment
Client: municipality resp. the state of Styria, department 13
Period : Since 1996
Services : Landfill supervision according to Landfill Ordinance (DVO 2008), §42
In a modern landfill, due to operational and technical measures, negative impacts on the environment, in particular on surface water, groundwater, soil and air and on the global environment, including the greenhouse effect, should be avoided or reduced as far as possible during the entire operating and aftercare period (i.e. over at least 100 years!).
The control of the technical emission limitation measures (landfill gas and leachate treatment, stability, recultivation, base sealing, etc.) is essential for this. Particular value is placed on good cooperation with the municipality and the authorities.
The landfill supervisory body is to be appointed by the authority pursuant to §63 (3) AWG 2002 and is to regularly verify compliance with the provisions of the AWG 2002 and any ordinances and notices based thereon. Annual reports are to be submitted to the authority.
Supervision of a waste treatment plant
Client : Waste collectors and processors
Period : 2013 – 2014
Services : Operational supervision
The tasks of the waste management supervision include the control of the imposed conditions, in particular the storage of waste in accordance with the consensus, the perceived odour emissions and the qualities of the stored and processed waste. A photo documentation is created and short notes are made about the visits. Reports are regularly submitted to the authority.
Project Plastic Recycling
Client : Austrian engineering office
Period : 2013
Services: Design of a water treatment plant with recycling capacities
For the end customer, a Finnish waste management company, the waste water treatment section of a newly designed plastic recycling plant was developed. Based on a combination of mechanical and membrane cleaning systems, a large part of the waste water from the cleaning of the used plastic is recycled.
Stripping plant for landfill leachate
Client : Austrian industrial company
Period: 2004
Services: Dimensioning of a stripping plant for hydrogen sulphide removal
A stripping plant had to be dimensioned for a landfill leachate treatment plant due to increased hydrogen sulphide contents in the permeate. Based on recognised design programmes, the stripping column was dimensioned and since installation, the discharge limits have again been safely complied with.
Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant- Lecture in Aachen
Client: Austrian Waste Management Association
Period: 1997 – 2005
Services: Pilot testing, basic and detail engineering, construction supervision, commissioning support and claim management
Starting with extensive tests on a laboratory and semi-technical scale, the basics for the large-scale implementation of the mechanical-biological waste treatment plant were defined in cooperation with the client and numerous partners.
Research funding from the Province of Styria led to a trend-setting project that enabled the implementation of the Landfill Ordinance 2004 and that has also been presented internationally at renowned expert conferences.
Organic waste composting
Client: Austrian Waste Management Association
Period: 2003 – 2005
Services: Basic and detail engineering, construction supervision, commissioning support and claim management
Accompanying the mechanical-biological waste treatment, a composting plant for biowaste of the association was projected. The plant consists of a mechanical treatment system, a closed intensive rotting system with pressure-ventilated rotting tunnels and a triangular windrow for secondary rotting. The end product is sold to private individuals and the municipality as a high-quality compost product.
Storage hall for hazardous and non-hazardous waste
Client: Austrian waste management company
Period: 1999 – 2000
Services: Elaboration of an approval project incl. safety analysis
At the business location, an existing warehouse for the storage of waste had to be re-approved and adapted. The VCI storage concept was applied in the design of the storage system. Of course, all aspects of fire and worker protection also had to be taken into account and a safety analysis and a plan of measures had to be drawn up as a prerequisite for approval.
Waste management permit project for a shredder plant
Client: Austrian waste management company
Period: 1997
Services: Approval under waste legislation, construction and operation supervision, conformity assessment (CE)
A shredding plant for hazardous waste incl. delivery and storage area was planned and built. The shredding plant is equipped with fire monitoring and a discharge system to a drop-off container for the shredded waste and is designed to be fire and explosion protected.
For the licensing project, the plant was examined from a safety point of view and the conformity assessment was carried out.
Energy analysis
Client : Austrian waste management company
Period : 1998
Services: Energy analysis
The disposal company carries out the collection, temporary storage and treatment of waste, operational wastewater and contaminated soil. For this purpose, steam generation, evaporation and waste oil combustion and waste water treatment plants are operated. A comprehensive energy analysis was carried out to identify energy and water saving potentials.
Treatment of hazardous waste
Client: Austrian waste management company
Period: 1996 – 2001
Services: Permits under waste and water legislation, operational support
A demonstration project for modern waste management was newly built at the site of an Austrian waste management company.t. Numerous innovations were implemented with the organic splitting, evaporation, chemical-physical treatment for inorganic and organic liquids subplants, a waste oil incineration plant and an extensive storage area in which the VCI storage concept was applied. Wastewater treatment until direct discharge quality was based on ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.
Purification of highly contaminated landfill leachate
Client: Austrian waste management company
Period: 1993 – 1995
Services : Planning and development, approval, construction supervision, commissioning
In 1994, the largest landfill leachate treatment plant in Europe was built here, which was particularly impressive in terms of inlet concentrations (conductivity 35,000 µS/cm, ammonium N 4,000 mg/l and COD 25,000 mg/l) and outflow concentrations (conductivity< 100 µS/cm, ammonium N< 10 mg/l, nitrate N< 30 mg/l and COD< 50 mg/l). It consists of a biological treatment plant including nitrification and denitrification with ceramic cross-flow microfiltration and a final two-stage coiled module reverse osmosis plant. The plant is still in operation today.
Dr. Mayr, as department head of the waste management company, was responsible for process development, scaling up, permitting, plant engineering, site supervision and commissioning.